Building Excellence V (BEX V) Capital Levy

Levy amount: $1.4 billion
Approved: February 2019 by 73% of the votes cast
Replaced: Building Excellence IV Capital Levy (BEX IV)
Levy collected: 2020-2025
The six-year BEX V Capital Levy continues the district’s long-range plans to upgrade and renovate aging school facilities and address enrollment growth. It pays for school construction and building improvements as well as technology investments. Projects selected went through an extensive community vetting process and followed the School Board’s Guiding Principles for BEX V.
You can download a map and list of BEX V projects as a PDF. Below are additional details about what the levy funds, school-specific project lists, and timelines for major projects. Visit our Construction Projects page for active projects.
Major BEX V Construction Projects
BEX V will help Seattle replace or modernize eight aging schools, construct additions at one school and one interim site, and fund planning for two schools that are expected to be part of a future BEX Capital Levy.
Estimated schedules are provided below. You can find more information about each project by clicking the school name or in Construction Projects.
Aki Kurose Middle School Planning Only
Planning started Fall 2023
Alki Elementary School Replacement
Construction started Summer 2023 | School opens Fall 2025
John Rogers Elementary School Replacement
Construction started Summer 2023 | School opens Fall 2025
Kimball Elementary School Replacement
School opened Fall 2023
Mercer International Middle School Replacement
Construction started Summer 2023 | School opens Fall 2025
Montlake Elementary School Modernization and Addition
Construction started Summer 2023 | School opens Fall 2025
James Baldwin Elementary School Replacement
School opened Fall 2023 with a new name — James Baldwin Elementary School
Rainier Beach High School Replacement
Phased construction started Spring 2022 | School remains on site during construction
Sacajawea Elementary School Planning Only
Planning started Fall 2023
Van Asselt School Interim Site Addition
School opened Fall 2023 as temporary location for Mercer International Middle School
Viewlands Elementary School Replacement
School opened Fall 2023
West Seattle Elementary School Addition
School re-opened Fall 2023
BEX V Technology Investments
Capital levies provide the primary funding source for making strategic investments in technology for learning and teaching in the classroom; delivering services to students, teachers, staff and families; and improving efficiency in business processes. Projects and services fall into three major categories:
Student Learning and Support
Under BEX V, the district will upgrade and expand classroom, student, and staff technology and resources to provide a baseline across schools. Technology and professional learning will be included, specifically to support school improvement, district programs, and special needs. Additional technology funding and support will be allocated to high-need schools.
District Systems and Data
Student and business systems support all schools and central office. Improvements will continue to allow the district deliver services needed for payroll, purchasing, human resources, finances, budgeting, transportation, health, nutrition, Special Education, scheduling, attendance, managing instruction, grade reporting, and parent communication. Work will also continue to improve processes, communication, collaboration, and compliance; improve data governance, systems integration, and using data to improve results.
Infrastructure and Security
Upgrades will be made to the data center and cloud systems with improvements to the district’s data security and access systems. School internet connectivity and wireless access will be upgraded to meet higher demands. Implementing a computer replacement program will ensure that technology is refreshed on a regular and predictable schedule.
BEX V Projects at Elementary and K-8 Schools
BEX V will fund technology equipment and services such as computers, peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching and learning for every school in the district.
In addition the resources above, school-specific BEX V projects are listed below.
Adams Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Alki Elementary
- New replacement school building (retain existing gym)
Arbor Heights Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Beacon Hill Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Sound attenuation system to reduce classroom noise
Blaine, Catharine K-8
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Electrical improvements
- Exterior doors
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Boren, Lousia K-8 STEM
- Audio systems and devices to connect to them
- Heating system and heating system controls replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Broadview-Thomson K-8
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Exterior doors
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Bryant Elementary
- Exterior windows
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Cascadia Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Cedar Park Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Coe, Frantz Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Concord Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Day, B.F. Elementary
- Exterior windows
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Dearborn Park International Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Sound attenuation system to reduce classroom noise
Decatur Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Dunlap Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Emerson Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Fairmount Park Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Gatewood Elementary
- Exterior doors
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Gatzert, Bailey Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Electrical improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Genesee Hill Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Graham Hill Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Green Lake Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Greenwood Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Hawthorne Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Hay, John Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Highland Park Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Kimball Elementary
- New replacement school building
King, Jr., Martin Luther Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Lafayette Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Laurelhurst Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Lawton Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Leschi Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Exterior doors
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Licton Springs K-8
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Lowell Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Loyal Heights Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Madrona Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Maple Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Sound attenuation to reduce noise in classrooms
Marshall, Thurgood Elementary
- Roof replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
McDonald International Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperature
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
McGilvra Elementary
- Exterior cladding improvements
- Exterior doors and windows
- Playground enhancements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Montlake Elementary
- Modernization of school and addition to school building
Muir, John Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Sound attenuation to reduce classroom noise
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
North Beach
- Exterior doors
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Site improvements, including pulverizing existing asphalt and overlaying with new, and asphalt re-striping
James Baldwin Elementary
- New replacement school building
Olympic Hills Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Olympic View Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Orca K-8 @ Whitworth
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Pathfinder K-8 @ Cooper
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Queen Anne Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperature
Rainier View Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Rogers, John Elementary
- New replacement school building
Roxhill @ E.C. Hughes
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Sacajawea Elementary
- Design for future school replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Site improvements, including pulverizing and overlaying existing asphalt, asphalt re-striping
Sand Point Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Salmon Bay K-8 @ Monroe
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Sanislo Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Parent drop-off and sidewalks
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Sound attenuation to reduce classroom noise
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Stanford International, John Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
South Shore K-8
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Exterior cladding
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Stevens Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Thornton Creek Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
TOPS K-8 @ Seward
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Rising Star Elementary @ African American Academy (formerly Van Asselt Elementary)
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Roof replacement
View Ridge Elementary
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Playground improvements
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Viewlands Elementary
- New replacement school building
Wedgwood Elementary
- Playground improvements
- Roof replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
West Seattle Elementary
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Building addition
- Exterior doors
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
West Woodland Elementary
- Multipurpose room construction and re-purposing of gym
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Whittier Elementary
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
Wolf, Hazel K-8
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems, card key readers at entries, and additional perimeter fencing if needed after site assessment
BEX V Projects at Middle Schools
BEX V will fund technology equipment and services such ascomputers, peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching andlearning for every school in the district.
In addition the resources above, school-specific BEX V projects are listed below.
Addams, Jane Middle School
- Site improvements, including parking lot improvements, playground updates, and south plaza basics based on landscape master plan
- Earthquake safety improvements
- Field lights
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperature
Denny International Middle School
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Eagle Staff, Robert Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Eckstein Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries.
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperature
- Improvements to exterior doors and windows
- Improvements to the school’s exterior cladding
Hamilton International Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Kurose, Aki Middle School
- Design planning for future school modernization and addition
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Madison Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Replacement of synthetic athletic field
McClure Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Improvements to exterior doors and windows
- Improvements to the school’s exterior cladding
Meany Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Mercer International Middle School
- New replacement school building
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Washington Middle School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
Whitman Middle School
- Fire alarm system replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Field lights
BEX V Projects at High Schools
BEX V will fund technology equipment and services such as computers,peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching and learningfor every school in the district.
In addition the resources above, school-specific BEX V projects are listed below.
Alan T. Sugiyama High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Ballard High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Synthetic athletic field
Chief Sealth International High School
- Security gates for school lockdown,
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
The Center School
- Safety and security improvements, such as video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Cleveland STEM High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Franklin High School
- Fire alarm replacement
- Gym roof replacement
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Garfield High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Improvements to the building’s exterior
Hale, Nathan High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Ingraham High School
- Electrical improvements
- (BEX IV addition, completed in 2019, includes safety and security improvements)
Lincoln High School Career and technical education improvements
- Earthquake safety improvements
- Theater improvements
- (BEX IV modernization/renovations, completed in 2019, include safety and security improvements)
Nova High School @ Mann
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
Rainier Beach High School
- New replacement school building (retaining existing theater)
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
Roosevelt High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Improvements to the building’s exterior
Seattle World School @ T.T. Minor
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
West Seattle High School
- Safety and security improvements including video intercom systems and card key readers at entries
- Roofing work
- Replacement of turf field with synthetic athletic field
BEX V Projects at Additional Locations
Columbia School Building
- Ceiling fans to help control classroom temperatures
- Earthquake safety improvements
Columbia Annex
- Earthquake safety improvements
Fort Lawton/Discovery Park
- Playfields
Interagency (All locations)
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Technology equipment and services such as computers, peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching and learning
North Queen Anne School (Cascade Parent Partnership)
- Earthquake safety improvements
- Roof replacement
- HVAC system replacement
- Technology equipment and services such as computers, peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching and learning
Queen Anne Gym (Interagency)
- Audio-visual systems that include classroom display (projector/screen), sound system, document camera, and devices to connect them
- Roof replacement
- Technology enhancements providing equitable access to technology for high need schools, which will support teaching and learning in meeting the needs of students; may include professional development, hardware and software
- Technology equipment and services such as computers, peripherals, printers, and other technology for teaching and learning
Schmitz Park (Interim site)
- Earthquake safety improvements
Van Asselt, Original (Interim site)
- Addition to use as interim site
- Playground improvements
The BEX/BTA Capital Programs Oversight Committee is a citizen oversight committee required by the School Board. The committee assures that the BEX and BTA programs support academic achievement in the schools, as well as program revenues, expenditures, and planning for future BEX and BTA levies or bonds.
More information about the Oversight Committee