Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

1420 Proposed Agendas and Consent Agenda

Proposed Agendas

  • Regular Meetings
    The Superintendent, or their designee, will prepare the proposed agenda for each regular meeting for finalization with the Board President per Board Policy No. 1220, Board Officers & Duties of Board Members. Copies of the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, Board action reports, and relevant supplementary information are posted to the district’s website at least three days in advance of the meeting.

    Exceptions to the three-day posting requirement for supplementary information are permitted when the Board action report is posted at least three days in advance of the published start time of the meeting; and the Board Action Report and/or agenda item description notes the update to add any new attachments or supplementary information to a Board action report.
    Nothing in this section prohibits subsequent modifications to the agenda, nor invalidates any otherwise legal action taken at the meeting for which the agenda was not posted in accordance with this policy.
  • Special Meetings
    Special meeting agendas, including those for Board committee meetings, will be posted on the district’s website no later than 24 hours in advance of the published start time, and final action may be taken only on that business contained in the notice of the special meeting and agenda.

    Consent Agenda

    To expedite business at regular meetings, the Board approves the use of a consent agenda that typically includes those items considered to be routine in nature as determined by the Board President and Superintendent during agenda setting.
    Any item which appears on the consent agenda may be removed from the consent agenda by a member of the Board. The remaining items will be voted on by a single motion. The approved motion will be recorded in the minutes, including a listing of all items appearing on the consent agenda.