Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

6220 Procurement

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to obtain materials, equipment, goods, supplies, personal/professional services, construction, and software and related acquisitions consistent with all applicable laws. District staff will use sound business and financial practices that support the delivery of desired services and goods on time and within budget, while maximizing value and minimizing risk and cost to the district. The district will promote fair competition to the extent practicable, including appropriate documentation in all situations where advertised sealed bids or requests for proposals are not used. 

The following contracts, changes and amendments must be approved by the Board:  (1) all contracts for the procurement of goods and services including, but not limited to, materials, equipment, supplies, personal/professional services, subscriptions, licensing, and software that are unrelated to capital construction and valued at more than $1,000,000 initial value, excluding sales tax and contingencies; (2) any changes or amendments to such contracts which result in an aggregate contract value of more than $1,000,000, excluding sales tax and contingencies; and (3) any changes or amendments to such contracts of more than $500,000, excluding sales tax and contingencies. 

For contracts directly-related to a construction project, if the overall construction project received approval from the Board, all contracts for the procurement of goods and services related to capital construction and valued at more than $5,000,000 initial value, excluding sales tax and contingencies, and changes or amendments of more than $500,000, excluding sales tax and contingencies, must also be approved by the Board.  Otherwise, contracts over $1,000,000 initial value not directly-related to a previously approved construction project will follow the lower threshold for approval. 

For all contracts, multiple changes and amendments which are for the same or similar services at the same time and same location, will be considered a single action with a combined monetary value for approval purposes. 

This policy shall apply to all contracts, agreements, and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) where the district receives money, pays money, or commits time and resources, whether these are paid from operating funds, capital funds, grants, ASB funds, or other sources. This policy shall not apply to individual employment contracts or collective bargaining agreements: all new employment contracts or collective bargaining agreements or renewals of such contracts or agreements require Board approval. 

The District will take steps to assure that, when possible, it will use minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, small businesses, and labor surplus firms. 

Staff members who obligate the district without proper authorization may be held personally responsible for payment of such obligations.  

The Board delegates to the Superintendent all other authority and responsibility for procurement within the budgets approved by the Board. The Superintendent may delegate such authority to procurement staff or other designees as the Superintendent deems appropriate. The Superintendent is authorized to develop procedures to implement this policy.