May 15, 2019 – Regular Board Meeting
Agenda FINAL Post
Regular Legislative Session
May 15, 2019, 4:15 p.m.
Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.
- General Welcome Announcement to Audience
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
II. Student Presentations – 4:30 p.m.
- John Rogers Elementary – Choir
III. Superintendent Comments – 4:45 p.m.
IV. Board Committee Reports
V. Student Comments
- Franklin High School
VI. Business Action Items – 4:55 p.m.
A. Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the April 24, 2019 Oversight Work Session , and the May 1, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School Grant (C&I, April 23, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School grant funds in the amount of $970,000
Kids in the Middle grant from the Nesholm Family Foundation (A&F, April 22, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the Kids in the Middle grant funds from the Nesholm Family Foundation, in the amount of $690,596 for the 2019-20 school year.(updated since introduction)
Acceptance of the League of Education Voters Foundation (LEVF) grant to South Shore PreK-8 (A&F, April 22, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the LEVF Grant of up $2,000,000 for 2019-2021,with the option of up to $2,000,000 for 2021-2023 for South Shore PreK-8.(updated since introduction)
Amendment to Board Policy No. 2024, Online Learning; Repeal of Board Policy No. C16.00, Acceptance of Correspondence or College Courses for High School Credit (C&I, April 23, for approval) Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 2024, Online Learning, as attached to the Board Action Report, and that the School Board repeal Board Policy No. C16.00, Acceptance of Correspondence or College Courses for High School Credit, also attached to the Board Action Report. If the motion is approved, the changes would be effective starting the summer term of the 2018-19 school year.
Amending Board Policy No. 2420, High School Grade and Credit Marking Policy (C&I, Dec. 11, for approval) Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 2420, High School Grade and Credit Marking Policy, as attached to the Board Action Report.(updated since introduction)
Amending Board Policy No. 5005, Employment: Disclosure, Certification, Assurances and Approvals (A&F, April 22, for consideration) Approval of this item would makes edits to Board Policy No. 5005, Employment: Disclosures, Certification, Assurances & Approval, to allow Athletic and Human Resources departments to conduct national background checks of volunteer coaches through OSPI (current practice) as well as other Human Resources-approved services.
Acceptance of Gift of Ms. Smith-Brooks’ Property and that the gift be earmarked for use by the Seattle Public Schools (A&F, April 22, for consideration) Approval of this item would provide authorization for the Superintendent to accept Ms. Smith-Brooks’ personal residence, which was bequeathed to Leschi Elementary School and; and that the gift be earmarked for use by Seattle Public Schools.
BTA IV: Resolution 2018/19-23: Acceptance of the Building Commissioning Report for the Roxhill at E.C. Hughes Elementary School Modernization project (Ops, April 18, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the building commissioning report for the Roxhill at E.C. Hughes Elementary School Modernization project, in accordance with WAC 392-344-165, as required to complete the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Form D-11 Application to Release Retainage. Approval of the resolution meets identified requirements.
BEX IV/BTA IV: Approval of Construction Change Order #17 for the Lincoln High School Modernization and Addition project (Ops, April 18, for consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute construction change order #17 in the amount of $1,290,686.01, plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary action to implement the change order.
BTA III: Resolution 2018/19-24, Final Acceptance of Contract K5080 with Mike Werlech Construction Inc., for the Blaine K-8 Water Mains and Fire Sprinklers project (Ops, April 18, for approval) Approval of this item would adopt Resolution 2018/19-24 and accept the work performed under Contract K5080 with Mike Werlech Construction Inc., for the Blaine Water Mains and Fire Sprinklers project as final.
BTA III / BTA IV: Resolution 2018/19-25, Final Acceptance of Contract K5074 with FieldTurf, USA, Inc., for the Synthetic Turf Replacement, Track Re-Surfacing and Field Lighting Infrastructure at Roosevelt High School project (Ops, April 18, for approval) Approval of this item would adopt Resolution 2018/19-25 and accept the work performed under Contract K5074 with FieldTurf, USA, Inc., for the Synthetic Turf Replacement, Track Re-Surfacing and Field Lighting Infrastructure at Roosevelt High School project as final.
BTA III/ BTA IV: Resolution 2018/19-21, Final Acceptance of Contract K1303 with Aries Building Systems, LLC, for the Purchase and Installation of Portable Classroom Modules project (Ops, April 18, for approval) Approval of this item would adopt Resolution 2018/19-21 and accept the work performed under Contract K1303 with Aries Building Systems, LLC, for the Purchase and Installation of Portable Classroom Modules project as final
BTA IV: Resolution 2018/19-14, Final Acceptance of Contract K5088 with Wayne’s Roofing, Inc., for the Ballard High School & West Seattle High School Roof Replacement project (Ops, April 18, for approval) Approval of this item would adopt Resolution 2018/19-14 and accept the work performed under Contract K5088 with Wayne’s Roofing, Inc., for the Ballard High School & West Seattle High School Roof Replacement project as final.
B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
VII. Public Testimony – 5:30 p.m.
Name | Topic |
1. Miles Grant |
Franklin High School Student |
2. Alex Tsimerman | Item #1 – May 1st Regular Board Meeting |
3. Alisha Taylor | Science Adoption |
4. MaryMargaret Welch |
Science Adoption |
5. Erik Bishop |
Adoption of Science Curriculum |
6. Chris Jackins |
LEV Foundation Grant; 3 Science Instruction Adoption Items |
7. Matthew Brewer |
In favor of Science Adoption |
8. Emily Elasky | Science Materials Adoption |
9. Alexia Katzaroff |
Science Curriculum Adoptions |
10. Julia Ward | Science Adoption |
11. Joshua Tashima-Boyd | Science Curriculum Adoption |
12. Christine Benita | Science Adoption |
13. Melissa Westbrook | Science Adoption |
14. Brad Shigenaka | K-12 Science Adoption |
15. Jen Fox | Science Instructional Materials Adoption |
16. Lisa Boveng | Science Adoption |
17. Rosslyn Shea | Science Adoption |
18. Rosemary Arnesen | Science Adoption |
19. Steven Zavari | Elementary School Science Instructional Materials Adoption |
20. Yolanda Jones | In favor of Science Adoption |
21. Brian Buchwitz | K-12 Science Instructional Materials Adoption |
22. Emily Bramwell Cherkin | Strong Opposition to the Amplify Science Curricula |
23. Robert Femiano | Science Adoption |
24. James Momsen | Science Adoption |
25. Dr. Katrina Reardon | Science Adoption |
Wait List
Name | Topic |
1. Patricia Bailey |
Science Adoption |
2. Brian Kristjansson |
Science Curriculum |
3. Dominga Mendoza |
Science Curriculum |
4. Jennifer Goldman |
In favor of Science Adoption |
5. Christopher Lausted |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
6. Katie Koressel |
Science Adoption Process |
7. Charles Bosse |
Science Curriculum |
8. Sabrina Slye |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
9. Anastasia Sanchez |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
10. Elizabeth Stone |
K-12 Science Adoption |
11. Rebecca Neil |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
12. Hilary Nguyen |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
13. Dr. Danielle Vermaak |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
14. Nahom Alemeyahu |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
15. Debbie Vermet |
Science Curriculum Adoption |
16. Eric Fisk |
Middle School Science Adoption |
17. Dr. Mark Collins |
The Science Curriculum Committee’s Thorough and Conscientious Approach |
18. Sooz Stahl | White Supremacy in Seattle Public Schools |
19. Emily Wang |
Dearborn Park Elementary Enrollment |
20. Friendly Vang-Johnson |
Racism in Seattle Schools |
21. Vivian Van Gelder |
White Supremacy in Seattle Public Schools |
22. Juniper Detrano |
Value of School Librarians |
23. Kristy Copeland |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
24. Craig Seasholes |
Measuring School and Student Success |
25. Emily Wheeler |
Washington Middle School Principal Selection, Communication, |
26. David Simonton |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
27. Jeff Treistman |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
28. Ina Howell |
African American Male Advisory Committee |
29. Manuela Slye |
Equity in Education |
30. Rebecca Wynkoop |
Library Collection Development & the Strategic Plan |
31. Amanda Sadler |
Enrollment Challenges at Dearborn Park International |
32. Jon Greenberg |
White Supremacy Culture in Seattle Public Schools |
33. Jackie Wilson |
K-12 Science Adoption Process |
34. Marty McLaren |
Department that is being formed to advance the interest of African |
35. Darrin Hoop |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
36. Kathleen Eads |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
37. Jennifer Stanley |
Enrollment Challenges at Dearborn Park International |
38. Sebrena Burr |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
39. Erinn McIntyre |
Transparency and immediate support needed given the vote of |
40. Jason Hahn |
HVAC System at John Muir Elementary School |
41. Zachary Walen |
My Experience of Teaching with Tech and How I Collaborate |
42. Laura Lehni |
White Supremacy Culture in SPS |
43. Erica Gordon |
John Muir Elementary School’s Maintenance Concerns |
44. Sara Emily Davis |
Continuous School Improvement Plans (C-SIPs) Accountability |
45. Elisa Ridley |
Concerns Regarding Ongoing Maintenance Issues at John Muir Elementary |
46. Jennifer Strehler |
Curriculum (Environmental Ethics and Climate Change) |
VIII. Board Comments
IX. Business Action Items (Continued) – 6:30 p.m.
C. Action Items
- Approval of Annual Highly Capable Program Plan (C&I, April 23, for approval) Approval of this item would accept the District’s Highly Capable Program Plan, which must be approved every year per WAC 392-170-025. Plan approval is necessary for accessing funds allocated by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for highly capable services.
D. Introduction Items
- High School Science Instructional Materials Adoption (C&I, Apr. 23 & Apr. 30, for consideration) Approval of this item would accept the recommendation of the High School Instructional Materials Adoption Committee for instructional materials for all students taking 9th grade Chemistry A (CHEM A), 9th grade Physics A (PHYS A), 10th grade Biology A (BIO A), 10th grade Biology B (BIO B), and 11th grade Physics B (PHYS B), and authorize the Superintendent to purchase Carbon TIME as the core instructional materials for Seattle Public Schools’ high school Biology A (BIO A) science classrooms, to approve the District-Developed Curriculum for BIO B as the core instructional materials for Seattle Public Schools’ high school Biology B (BIO B) science classrooms, to approve the District-Developed Curriculum for CHEM A as the core instructional materials for Seattle Public Schools’ high school Chemistry A (CHEM A) science classrooms, and to purchase PEER as the core instructional materials for Seattle Public Schools’ high school Physics A and B (PHYS A and B) science classrooms, for an amount not to exceed $1,034,132, covering licensing through school years 2019-20 through 2027-28.(Minor edit 5/14: Intro and action dates updated on Board Action Report to reflect correct meeting dates.)
- Middle School Science Instructional Materials Adoption (C&I, Apr. 23 & Apr. 30, for consideration) Approval of this item would accept the recommendation of the Middle School Science Instructional Materials Adoption committee for instructional materials for all middle school science classrooms in grades 6-8, and authorize the Superintendent to purchase AmplifyScience as the core instructional materials for all grade 6-8 Seattle Public Schools’ science classrooms for an amount not to exceed $2,069,686, covering licensing from school year 2019-20 to 2027-28, and an amount not to exceed $565,857 for in-house professional development and collaboration and a 1.0 FTE Curriculum Specialist.(Minor edit 5/14: Intro and action dates updated on Board Action Report to reflect correct meeting dates.)
- Elementary School Science Instructional Materials Adoption (C&I, Apr. 23 & 30, for consideration) Approval of this item would accept the recommendation of the Elementary School Science Instructional Materials Adoption Committee for instructional materials for all elementary school science classrooms in grades K-5, authorize the Superintendent to purchase AmplifyScience as the core instructional materials for all grade K-5 Seattle Public Schools classrooms for an amount not to exceed $2,368,870 in a three-year phased-in purchase and implementation plan out of the FY2020 (2019-20), FY2021 (2020-21), and FY2022 (2021-22) budgets, covering licensing through school years 2019-2020 through 2027-28, and an amount not to exceed $5,040,674 for in-house professional development and collaboration.(Attachment J has been updated in track changes on 5/13)(Minor edit 5/14: Intro and action dates updated on Board Action Report to reflect correct meeting dates.)
- Amendment 1 to Elementary School Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Directors Burke & Pinkham) Approval of this item would amend the proposed Elementary School Science Instructional Materials Adoption to adopt HMH Science Dimensions from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for all elementary school science classrooms.
X. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.
Calendar Reminders
A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website. A paper copy of upcoming meetings will be provided at Board Meetings. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.