Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

September 18, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda – FINAL Post 9/18/24
Regular Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 4:15 p.m.

Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
Seattle Public Schools

The meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def).

To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 182 876 777#. This phone number and Conference ID will also be used by those who sign up to provide public testimony through the process described on the agenda below.

I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call

II. Superintendent Comments 

III. Board Comments

  • Director & Student Member Comments

IV. Progress Monitoring

V. Public Testimony – 5:00 p.m.

Members of the public who wish to address the board in person or by teleconference may sign up online beginning Monday, September 16, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Those who sign up online and are placed on the posted public testimony list may provide their testimony in person or by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 182 876 777#. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the Board’s website.

Testimony List

1Liat ReifSchool Closures and elimination of Option school programs
2Janis WhitePolicy 2190
3Chris JackinsAction Item (Consent item #4): Scoring and ranking method for selecting schools for Building Excellence (BEX) VI Capital Levy; Don’t close schools
4Ben GitensteinAction Item (Consent Agenda): “Amendment to and Renaming of Board Policy No. 2190, Highly Capable Services (renamed “Highly Capable Program”); Don’t close schools
5Stephanie Gove-YinHCC, agenda item Amendment to and Renaming of Board Policy No. 2190, Highly Capable Services (renamed “Highly Capable Program”).
6Candace KasbarianSchool closures
7Chau Pho TungWSHS under-resourced
8Janel LardizabalWell resourced schools WSHS
9Sophia ConleyTOPS DHH program
10Dustin ColeSchool Closures
11Christie MatthaeiOption schools
12Kaitlin MurdockWell Resourced Schools
13Michele CampbellWRS
14Liz BarryDual Language in SPS
15Nicole SalisburyOption Schools
16Adam MollisWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
17Matisse BerthiaumeChoice
18Chris LonghurstSchool Closures – Tops DHH
19Laura Marie RiveraOption Schools
20Sam GutierrezEquitable access
21Lily EakinTransitioning
22Sarah PulancoOvercrowding at West Seattle High School
23Paul BugalaUnder Funding of West Seattle High School
24Nelson ConleyTOPS DHH
25Joe ManganClosure Options

Testimony Waitlist

1Barbara Orchard AragonEquitable transition
2Connor LeeResourced Schools
3Samantha FoggWell Resourced Schools Plan
4Mia KlarichDLI and inclusive transition
5Taryn LonghurstTOPS DHH
6Kirsten VerlanderWell-Resourced Schools – TOPS K-8
7Gloria ramirezCierre de escuelas
8Molly SoudantWell-resourced schools – TOPS K8
9Rebekah BinnsAgainst School Closures
10Jackson lumCompassionate transitioning of students
11Jennifer GirouWSHS – Under resourced
12Jana ParkerWell Resourced Schools plan – consideration of needs of disabled students
13Marina MasonAccess to DLI programs
14Manuela SlyeWRS
15Lisa IngrassiaWell-Resourced Schools: Tops K-8
16Ellen RikhofWSHS under-resourced
17Brenda MollisWell Resourced Schools-Tops K8
18Gregory EngelEducation on firearm injury prevention
19Rahel StampferWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
20Jovie PohlersThe value of K-8 schools
21Alyssa EverittSchool Closures
22Mela EricksonWell resourced schools TOPS
23Iris ViverosWell Resorced schools
24Brian BonlenderSPS school closure plans
25Linc VerlanderPotential TOPS school closure
26James Whitney Kahn ParkerSpecial education
27Lisa CalvertSchool closures
28Holly RikhofWest Seattle High Under-resourced
29Elsa JonesDHH pathways and emergency systems
30Cessalee Smith-StovallDLI equity
31Ann Scott TysonOppose closing any Seattle public schools
32Brooke FoxSPS’s Well Resourced Schools Plan
33June Nho IversSchool Closure
34Hodan MohamedWell resourced school and special education services
35Sebrena Burr“Kasserian Ingera – How are the children?   Well Resourced Schools, PASS Contract; Centering the needs, protection and rights of students, first!
36Leslie HarrisWell Resourced Schools Consolidation List
37Laura MonseySchool Closure Plans – Lafayette Elementary
38Norah FoxSPS’s Well Resourced School Plan
39Emily CherkinAction Item: Approval of 2024-25 Superintendent Evaluation Instrument; Student 1 to 1 device harm and cost
40Crystal HallWell-resourced schools: TOPS K8
41Jane ParkSchool Closures
42Tyler DupuisSchool closures
43Lucy and Theo BromleyDLI
44Frances BugalaWest Seattle High School Under Resources
45Joe AlterioWell Resourced Schools Proposal
46Jessica HolmanSchool closure proposal
47Quyen PhamWell Resourced Schools Closure Plan
48BJ OngWell Resourced Schools Closure Plan
49Laura GramerWell Resourced School- TOPS DHH
50Michael FoxSPS’s Well Resourced Plans, option a and option b
51Scott MiddletonWell-Resourced School Planning/Potential Closure of Lafayette Elementary School
52Alex Wakeman RouseBudget
53Minnette Reilly perkinsWell resourced schools
54May Ling JoaFuture of SPS families
55Marcelo A. ElizondoDLI
56Stephanie SoaresClosures
57O’Hara JimenezSchool closures
58Michelle KusowskiWell Resourced Schools Plan
59Nicholas KamudaWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
60Alexander SoaresSchool Closure
61Meghan AlbertLafayette
62Sara DavisSchool closures – Lafayette representation
63Joaquín VicuñaDLI inclusive language transition
64Christine RadkeySchool closures
65Rachel PayneWe’ll-resourced school plan; Pathfinder K-8 parent
66Kelsey ManganUnderstanding data between SPS closure options plz
67Antonia EberhartSchool Closures
68James NewellSeattle Public Schools closure
69Elidé MalagambaThe importance of Lenguage Heritage for Migrant Kids
70Erin KingWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
71Katy LoWell-Resourced Schools
72Aidan CarrollDon’t close schools, and no cops in schools
73Eleanor WarrenPathfinder middle school
74Jake milsteinCatherine Blaine K8 proposed closure
75Abbie ChandlerWell resourced schools, TOPS K-8
76Zhijun LiuSchool closures
77Lisa BotesWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
78Heather SmithSchool closure – specifically Catharine Blaine and K-8 schools
79Bartholomew MilsteinProposed closure of Blaine k8
80Laurel BeckwithProposed closures
81Nikki RiceLafayette Future Prospects
82Renee PhelpsOvercrowded classes at West Seattle High School
83Becky BrownleeWell Resourced Schools
84Sadie schnitzlerSchool Closures-Equity, Inclusion + Thriving Community
85Evelyn JohansonThe negative education, emotional and mental impacts closing a K8, specifically top performing Catharine Blaine, would have.  Many students need and thrive in an environment with more community-based classes and relationships.  We NEED this educational opportunity to stay!
86Chad YoungWell Resourced Schools plans
87Angela BlumsSchool closures
88Sarah PeppersSchool Closure Proposal/Options
89Zoë BryantSchool Overcrowding
90Jonathan KingWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
91Erin RoubikSchool closures
92Daniel RoubikSchool closures
93Mary Katherine HoddeImpact of Well Resourced Schools Closures
94Taahir AhmedImpact of well-resourced schools proposals
95Anthony RiemmaInequity in school closure list, 86% are Tier 4 from the School Equity Tiers, but Tiers 4s make up only 61% of all schools.
96Michi NairWell-resourced schools-TOPS K8
97Jennifer ArterburnSchool Closures
98Willow MilsteinSchool Closures
99Andrea Bachhuber-BeamSchool closures and dual language immersion
100Shana SchasteenGraham Hill closure impact on Inclusion in SE Seattle and the closure of the Medically fragile/ deaf/hoh programs
101Margaret Pak EnslowWell resourced schools- TOPS K-8
102Sarah WinkleSchool closures – Lafayette
103Sophie-Shifra GoldDHH program at risk of closure at TOPS K-8
104Veronica BelloDual Language Immersion programs
105Katherine RitcheySchool Closure
106Marian WagnerSchool closures proposals aim for uniformity, not equity
107Corinne BangueroSpecial education and extended resources
108Brittany CohenWell Resourced School Inequity in West Seattle
109Rachel HeathSchool closure
110Dragana LassiterThe impact of option school closing
111Nathan FigueroaWell-Resourced Schools
112Yuan-ching Mimi YangSchool closure
113Sarah ReyneveldSchool closures
114Laura LoveSchool closure/funding
115Andrea ClinkscalesGraham Hill closure
116Alexandra BorowieckiProposed school closures
117Erica EvansProposed Catherine Blaine K-8 closure
118Michelle DunlopSPS and OSPI data does not support the school closure plan.
119Shawn BaiSchool closures impacting 72% of schools and potentially over 50% of SPS students
120Donna LansberryDual Language Programs

VI. Business Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

Routine Approvals (Introduction & Action)

  1. Minutes of the August 23, 2024 Board Special Meeting, August 28, 2024 Board Special Meeting, August 28, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, and August 29, 2024 Board Special Meeting.
  2. Personnel Report
  3. Warrants Report – July 16 thru August 15, 2024

The following warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.08, are approved for payment:

FundPayment TypeAmount
General Fund  *Payroll $201,368.22
General Fund Vendor$39,077,374.59
Capital Project Fund Vendor $45,999,931.10
Associated Student Body Fund Vendor$28,928.52
Expendable Trust Fund Vendor $272,500.00
Grand Total All $85,580,102.43
*Note – Payroll total reflects warrants issued to employees.  It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.

Consent Agenda Items Previously Introduced

  1. Scoring and Ranking Method for Selecting Schools for Building Excellence (BEX) VI Capital Levy. Approval of this item would approve the proposed scoring and ranking method for selecting Building Excellence schools.
  2. Amendment to and Renaming of Board Policy No. 2190, Highly Capable Services (renamed “Highly Capable Program”). Approval of this item would amend Board Policy No. 2190, Highly Capable Services, and rename as Board Policy No. 2190, Highly Capable Program, as attached to the Board Action Report. (Updated Since Introduction; Materials updated 9/18/24)

B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

C. Action Items

  1. Approval of 2024-25 Superintendent Evaluation Instrument. Approval of this item would approve the 2024-25 Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, as attached to the Board Action Report. (Introduction & Action) (Removed from agenda 9/13/24)

D. Introduction Items

  1. Approval of Board Resolution No. 2024/25-9, Educational Program Reduction per Board Policy No. 0060. Approval of this item would adopt Board Resolution No. 2024/25-9, Educational Program Reduction, as attached to this Board Action Report. (Materials added 9/16/24)

VII. Budget Development Study Session: Preview 2025-26 Budget Options (Materials added 9/13/24; Materials updated 9/16/24)

VIII. Well-Resourced Schools Update (revised on agenda 9/13/24)

IX. Board Self-Evaluation

X. Informational Items

XI. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders

A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website.