Seattle Public Schools

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Architecture and Buildings

Architecture and Buildings

Central School Building. 7th Avenue and Madison Street. 1889-1938. Seattle's first high school

The district has published histories of the Seattle Public Schools, most recently:

2002 Building for Learning, Seattle School Histories, 1862 – 2000,Edited by Nile Thompson and Carolyn J. Marr.

These books serve as a valuable resource for understanding the development of neighborhood schools. 

Essays from Building for Learning and other sources on schools can be found at

The district is looking to update the essays to include the the improvements and new buildings that have happened from the BEX and BTA levies.

Landmarked school buildings report – also reference the Historical Survey from City of Seattle

Information compiled about School building name changes over time – School Building Naming Report 2013

Available in the archives are architectural drawings, renderings, building construction photographs and other administrative files related to facility planning, capacity management, school closure and environmental compliance.

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