High School Forms
High School Athlete Forms
Student Athletic Forms
Student Athletic Registration Forms
- Registration forms are valid for one school year only
Online Athletic Registration
All high school athletic paperwork is now available online for families to complete via FinalForms. To learn more detailed platform instructions, select your school below:
- Ballard
- Chief Sealth
- Cleveland
- Franklin
- Garfield
- Ingraham
- Lincoln
- Nathan Hale
- Rainier Beach
- Roosevelt
- West Seattle
If families are unable to access this online platform, they should contact their high school athletic director and/or athletic support staff. Computers, as well as physical packets for uploads, can be made available for families to complete registration online.
Student-Athlete Medical Forms
- The HISTORY document (Page 1) should be completed and remain with your provider
- The EXAM document (Page 2) should be completed and remain with your provider
- The MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY document (Page 3) should be the only item submitted on FinalForms
- Physicals are valid for 24 consecutive months
Physical Exam Form
The FinalForms platform has a dedicated section to upload a completed preparticipation physical MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY form.
Additional District Resources and Forms
Student Athletic Handbook
Enrollment/Cross-Enrollment – Athletics Only
This checklist is for students who wish to participate with their neighborhood school’s athletic programs but are either not enrolled within the district OR who current district students needing to be cross-enrolled from their alternative high school. If any questions about the checklist, please contact the athletic school where your student would be participating.
Student Insurance
Seattle Public Schools makes available a student accident insurance program that can be tailored to your family’s needs. To learn more about available plans/enrollment or to ask additional questions, visit the District’s Risk Management Department link below.
District Policies
Interscholastic Activities Policy
Nondiscrimination, Acts of Hostility, and Defamation Policy
Student Sports – Concussion, Head Injuries, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Policy