Sacajawea Elementary School Design Project
Funding is included in the Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V) to design replacement of the Sacajawea Elementary School. Funding for construction is subject to voter approval of the Building Excellence VI Capital Levy (BEX VI), which is expected to be on the ballot in February 2025.

- Predesign: Complete.
- Schematic Design: On hold.
- Design Development: TBD
- Construction Documents and Permitting: TBD
- Bid and Award Contracts: TBD
- Construction: TBD
- Open: TBD
Community Participation
School Design Advisory Team (SDAT)
Early in the design process, representatives from the school community come together to form a school’s SDAT. SDATs typically include school and district staff, parents, and community members. Students are sometimes included for all or part of the process. The project construction managers also take part. Learn more about the Sacajawea Elementary School SDAT.
Project Progress
Major activity in January 2024
- Submitted Building and Land Use pre-application site visit request to city.
- Completed SDAT workshops.
About the Project
This is a project to design and construct a replacement for Sacajawea Elementary School. It is currently funded for design only, and construction is expected to be included in the February 2025 capital levy.
The new school building will be approximately 82,000 square feet and designed to provide space for up to 550 students in PreK through grade 5. The new school will meet the criteria outlined in the elementary educational specifications for 500 students. Classroom clusters will surround learning commons. The school will include a library, gymnasium, commons/lunchroom, and other spaces designed for student educational success. Related site work will include parking, playfields, hillside improvements, and utilities.
Project Manager: David L. Jackson
Project Design: NAC Architecture
Funding Source — Design Only: Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V), approved by voters in 2019. Construction phase subject to voter approval of capital levy in February 2025.