Artificial Intelligence (AI)
SPS Commitment to Ethical AI in Education

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is committed to enhancing the educational landscape through the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) aligning with our vision of Seattle excellence.
Our approach to AI is designed to support students and staff by providing training and AI tools which offer diverse opportunities for assistance, brainstorming, and engagement, while automating routine tasks to allow educators to focus on impactful instruction and relationship building.
SPS adheres to stringent data protection processes and is guided by principles that prioritize student learning, mitigate risks, and foster an inclusive, innovative learning environment.
The AI tools selected for SPS use are meant to enhance the educational experience for all students while prioritizing student well-being, privacy, and security.
Learn more about AI tools available on SPS devices
Superintendent Procedure 2022SP – Electronic Resources/Use of the Internet contains guidance on AI. The SPS AI Handbook (mentioned in the SP) is a guide focusing on the benefits of AI in education, community support, equitable access, ethical use, and guidelines for responsible AI practices and student privacy protection.
SPS Artificial Intelligence HandbookSPS Vision for Artificial Intelligence

The work SPS has done understanding AI centers on our commitment to enhance the educational experience for all students while prioritizing student well-being, privacy, and security.
We follow OSPI’s guidance that “uses of AI should always start with human inquiry and always end with human reflection, human insight, and human empowerment.”
By centering student learning, AI applications used in instruction can offer diverse opportunities for students to seek assistance, brainstorm ideas, and actively engage in their educational journey. Similar to other technology resources, AI can serve as valuable supports for students to demonstrate their understanding across various subjects.
AI presents powerful resources for staff to automate routine and repetitive tasks, enabling educators to dedicate more time to impactful instruction and building meaningful relationships with students. This aligns with the insights provided by the U.S. Department of Education’s report on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning, emphasizing examples such “handling low-level details to ease teaching burdens and increase focus on students.”

While we embrace the potential benefits of AI, we also recognize the importance of acknowledging their limitations and risks. It is crucial for students and staff to exercise critical thinking skills when evaluating work produced by these tools, as the information provided may be biased, inaccurate, or incomplete.
As AI in education continues to evolve, SPS remains dedicated to developing resources that guide the ethical and effective use of these applications, all within the framework of safeguarding the privacy and security of our students through adherence to stringent data protection processes.
We are committed to leveraging AI tools responsibly to provide the best possible learning experiences in SPS for our students. Together, we will continue to foster an inclusive and innovative 21st century learning environment.
Guiding AI Principles
SPS is guided by the following principles: