Maps – Enrollment Planning Data
District Maps
Enrollment Planning produces maps for the Seattle Public School district. The links and maps below are updated regularly.
- Map: All Schools 2024-25
- Map: Elementary and K-8 Schools Attendance Areas 2024-25
- Map: Elementary and Middle Schools Attendance Areas 2024-25
- Map: Middle Schools Attendance Areas 2024-25
- Map: High Schools Attendance Areas 2024-25
- Map: Geo Zones for Option Schools 2024-25
Additional Resources
- Growth Boundaries Maps
- Preschool Locations
- District Regions
- Elementary School Highly Capable Cohort Pathway
- Middle School Highly Capable Cohort Pathway
- High School Highly Capable Cohort Pathway
Demographic Maps 2021-2022
- Where Seattle Public Schools Students (Grades K-12) Live
- Where English Learner (EL) Students Live
- Where Special Education Students Live
- Free and Reduced Lunch Program (2020)
- Where Highly Capable Students Live and Attend School
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data
GIS data detailing boundaries and school sites are available upon request. Please email for any GIS related requests.
2022-23 School Year Data
Attendance Areas:
Geo Zones:
Map projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet (SRID 2926).