Seattle Public Schools


2025-26 Budget Development

Budget Outlook for 2025-26

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) continues to face a substantial budget shortfall for fiscal year 2025-26 and beyond. For the 2025-26 fiscal year, the gap between anticipated revenue and anticipated spending is approximately $100 million.  

Budget Development Timeline

  • January: Superintendent’s preliminary budget proposals for 2025-26 as directed by Educational Program Resolution; Legislative Session begins​
  • January – June: Internal technical budget processes ​
  • January – June: Strategic Plan Task Force and Advisory Work ​
  • February: Capital and EP&O Levies on the ballot​
  • April: Legislature adopts 2025-27 Biennial Budget​
  • May: Budget study session to preview the Superintendent’s budget recommendation pending the outcome of the legislative session​.
  • June & July: The School Board is scheduled to review the final budget recommendation in June and is scheduled to vote on a final budget in July.

How can families, staff, and community stay informed and participate in the budget development process? 

Operating Budget Development Documents

  • August 29, 2024: Budget Study Session
  • September 18, 2024: Budget Study Session
  • December 18, 2024: Board adopts Educational Program Resolution per Board Policy No. 0060
  • January 22, 2025: Budget Study Session
  • February 26, 2025: Board Engagement
  • May, 2025: Budget Study Session
  • June 4, 2025: Introduce Recommended Budget for 2025-26 & Public Hearing
  • July 1, 2025: Action on 2025-26 Recommended Budget

Schools’ Budget Development Documents

Weighted Staffing Standards (“WSS”) Workgroup

Per district policy, the Weighted Staffing Standards “WSS” workgroup meets each year and makes recommendations to the Superintendent about potential changes for the following year’s direct school funding.

WSS Meeting Minutes